Find the Work/Life Balance at Fetcham Park

coffee2Switching off from work over the festive period provides many of us with the time to reflect on what we want from life, be it spending more time with the family, avoiding emails at the weekend, or reducing stress levels with a new exercise regime.

For most of us, the work/life balance has become the Holy Grail; a quest of such biblical portions that it’s almost impossible to achieve. So, how can we continue to be a success at work if we reduce the hours we spend thinking (or stressing) about it?

Thanks to the unique surroundings and services at Fetcham Park, we’re able to practice a little of what we preach and offer clients a few simple solutions to the work/life problem; even if it’s just for 45 minutes out of their working day.

To help you achieve a more stress-free start to 2017, here’s a few suggestions from our client services team.


Join the likes of Arianna Huffington, Mark Zuckerberg and Barack Obama and make the most of an important meeting by leaving your desk. Walking meetings have been linked to increased productivity and boosts in morale, and have been credited as the catalyst for some major business deals.

Walking Routes

To help clients step away from their desks, we have devised two short walks from Fetcham Park which take in some of the beautiful Surrey countryside. Whether you go for a run before work, a power walk at lunch, or breakaway from the office for a productive meeting, these handy routes provide the perfect backdrop. Ask the client services team for more info.


Fuel body and mind with regular meals and plenty of fresh fruit and veg packed with essential vitamins. It’s easy to skip lunch when we’re busy and reach for the caffeine, but think before you drink! Empty stomachs lead to binging on sweet or salty snacks later in the day and too much coffee can make you jittery. Refuel and hydrate with water and unsalted nuts or seeds instead.

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Juice for Health

It’s only January, but we may have discovered one of our favourite finds of the year. The Juice Smith  in Cobham create nutritious, feel good, cold pressed juices and cleanse programmes. Feel happier and healthier in just a few days by simply popping down to see them.

Power Brunch at The Anchor

New for 2017, you can now enjoy brunch at one of our favourite Surrey pubs. The 2 AA Rosette and Michelin Guide Anchor Pub in Ripley has a delicious choice of hearty and wholesome brunch dishes served from 10-11am on Saturday and Sunday.



Hours spent at our desks, glaring into a computer screen will naturally play havoc with our posture. Many of us suffer with the discomfort caused by repetitive strain injury (RSI) affecting parts of the upper body such as forearms and elbows, wrists and hands, neck and shoulders.

The key to minimising discomfort is to improve your posture while seated. Try this:

Keep your ears in line with your shoulders

Practice small shoulder and chest exercises
Uncross those legs
Pull back your shoulder blades
Get up and move every so often

Herman Miller chairs

The offices at Fetcham Park have been designed with the comfort and wellbeing of our clients in mind. This includes award-winning, ergonomically designed Herman Miller desk chairs in every office.

Desk massage

As an additional service, we are delighted to offer clients a relaxing neck and shoulder massage at their desk. For more information, contact



We’re all guilty of letting our organisational skills fall apart under pressure, but follow these 3 easy steps and you might just keep your cool.

Create a ‘holding zone’

Designate a corner of your desk or the top of a filing cabinet, and put anything that needs filing/sorting there. Deal with it at the appointed time (see below).

Devise an organising routine
Schedule 10-15 minutes at the start or end of each day to clear your desk, archive emails, empty the holding zone (see above).

Avoid over-organising
It’s easy to avoid real work by telling yourself you’re ‘clearing up’. Prioritise what’s urgent and leave anything else to a quieter time in the day.

To find out more about the helpful business services provided at Fetcham Park or for information about the local area, contact the client services team on


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